I am sorry..i am much older but my mother pulled the same thing on me..a month ago called me up yelling at me for being on the internet seraching for answers and telling me this was all bs and i needed to just get a life..its messed up what is going on out there. this the same mother who told my ex Gf 2.50 yrs ago when we were having relationship trouble, that i should be on anti-depressants..thanks mother, what a back stabbing you know what
maybe you can get the DVD under our skin fom the local library and have her watch..i think older people (i am 53, my mother is 71) just have a hard time as they are brainwashed by what they read-hear on TV and we know that is pure crap
show her the Erin brokovich stuff going on in Roy New york where they are now focussing on the toxic spill in the 70's combined with fracking as the cause of these young girls and now young men and others , yet you have these drs going on the air saying its mass teen hysteria.. well now they found 2 girls from another town who came down with the same illness from just driving through the Roy town and stopping for 20 minutes..hmmmm. mass hysteria baloney
also, there are herbs that personally i think are much safer than any drugs and much much cheaper
and finally the lyme tests are often not diagnostic and imo, every LLMD i have been to wanted to charge me $500 for the first 1 hr session and the 250 for each 15 mins..and then give me a bucket load of abx..
set up a facebook page for donations..ask friends for help..thats what i am doing..its humbling, but i had a 2-2 success calling ratio asking for help and one was an ex girlfriend, who knows me and knows I love working and must be sick as she is very compassionate..
Find some compassionate people and help your mom understand
Post Edited By Moderator (achievinggrace) : 2/23/2012 4:57:49 AM (GMT-7)