hi Purplegirl,
Why are you "stuck" with the probiotic the LLMD gave you? While you should follow your doc's instructions regarding prescript
ions, probiotics don't fall in that category. There are many, many different kinds of probiotics available, not all of them suit all people.
You don't have to go with the most expensive. You can also combine them to get the most flora.
Are you eating with your abx? I find eating a light meal, waiting a little for it to settle and then taking my meds, and then sitting upright for a further 30 minutes makes all the difference for my stomach.
When I read the instructions that came with my antibiotic, it said to remain upright after taking them. I thought that just meant not lying down. Nope, just the normal activity of getting up and down, leaning forward and generally sloshing the stomach contents around causes irritation.
Try out different things to relieve your discomfort. Sometimes dairy helps, sometimes a dry cracker. There are homeopathic anti-acids that I found relieved some of my discomfort. Nibbling on crystallized ginger helped me (I know there's sugar in that). Also, yoga/meditation/relaxation -- I found I had gotten into a habit of clenching my stomach in anxiety that was adding to the problem.
Keep experimenting!