Hi friends,
I'm curious as to something...because I'm sick and tired of other people's reactions to " I have chronic Lyme" and hearing "Oh I had tested positive for Lyme too and got a round of doxi and I'm better." How is this possible? My MIL is the example of this. She has always looked at me as if I'm lazy or spoiled. Quite the opposite. She devuldged the other day that her DR said Fibromyalgia is the "rich lady's" syndrome of little aches and pains and to be catered to. (BTW--I'm a far cry from rich, quite the opposite. I'm busting my rump at a full time job sick as heck so we can make ends meet)
Anyway, I had been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after I tested positive for Lyme and so that's the diagnosis I was going with for years even though I never wanted to believe that's what I had. But my MIL said she didn't catch the tick, she had felt awful and was diagnosed with Epstein Bar and Lyme. She was treated with 1 round of antibiodics and had a bullseye rash appear after the abx were finished. She said the dr said she was fine. (no surprise) But when I asked her if she still felt fatigued, she said "I'm always fatigued." She is a very heavy lady, well over 300 pounds I would assume. She had her knees replaced a few years ago. They did the 1st knee and all was OK and when they went on to the 2nd knee, everything went wrong and she nearly died. She is also a diabetic and on daily insulin. But even though she almost died, she still eats massive amounts of sugar.
I don't get it. She has only been married once, to my husband's father, who left her and packed everything up and kidnapped my husband to get away from her. He won't say why, except for the fact that he thinks she wasn't capable of caring for my husband as a child. She's a difficult lady to get along with at times. She acts like a doll in front of my husband, but behind closed doors..
Ok sooooooooooooo...i'm getting way off track here. My question is can Lyme affect everyone differently? Can some get real sick and others not? Cause I'm so darn sick it's rediculous the fight I put up everyday just to do minor things like get out of bed, get myself to work and get home. UGH. My arms & legs feel like dumbells are attached to them, I feel like I'm working through pnuemonia daily and my anxiety is through the roof as well as heart/chest pains, extreme fatigue, OCD, IBS, Horrible RLS, and more.
So some people claim they got "cured" from the month of abx, but didn't catch the tick. How is this possible?