Yogi, thanks so much
Working with you has been great. Nothing makes me happier than knowing you're healing
Thanks for the vote of confidence and the kind words.
LOVE: yes, that's the thing for sure. When I went off abx to go natural, I was spinning my wheels. Do I take Zhang, this protocol, that one?...My head was spinning. So really, it took me years to research what works, and did so much trial and error on myself until I found the right protocol for me.
The thing with all the "lyme herbs" is one works for one and not another and that's because we are all different. We can all have Bart lets say and there is not one herb that will work on bart. It all depends on each individual. This is when it's good to work with an LLMD or an LLND to find the right protocol for you.
I got your PM and replied.
WAVE:, look into gemmotherapy for the neuro part. I used them on myself and others with really good results.
Make sure your ND really has a lot of knowledge on Lyme. It's tricky to treat