Today I took my son to the doctor to ask about
Lyme. I am currently on abx and will be getting blood test soon. My son had a tick in the middle of his back a year or two ago. No rash, not a super problem. Now that my doctor said that I could possibly have had lyme since I was a kid and thats why I am so sick, and in an advanced stage, I started worrying about
my son. So I took him to his doctor. He was willing to give him blood test but doubts that he has lyme disease. He said children usually display the first stage of Lyme-rash, fever, sick, and did I notice it at the time? I ended up feeling a little like an over anxious mom. The only thing I have noticed since the bite is periods of intense anxiety and shakiness that he occasionally has before bed. And burning red ears. But the doc said Lyme is tricky and usually is noticed by symptoms, which he doesn't have much of.
I think I am very relieved. He got his blood drawn, I think it will be negative, and he will be fine. I just don't want him to live his life with bizarre symptoms.
I hope I did the right thing...I guess it's better to be safe than sorry.