Posted 6/19/2012 1:15 PM (GMT -5)
I am new to this forum. Last year, after searching for a long time (10 + years) why I kept getting sicker, and sicker, I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme and Babesia. My CD57 was 20 and I started seeing a doctor in Seattle earlier this year. I have many symptoms but two of the most puzzling and bothersome are unexplained weight gain and 24/7 abdominal distention. I have taken probiotics, anti-parasitics, anti-bacterials, anti-fungals, herbal and medications, and I eat a low carb diet. Nothing has helped and I am frustrated and miserable because the abdominal distention is really bad. Earlier today I read the bullet points from Better Health Guy on the Physician's Round Table 2012 here What really stood out to me are the bullet points from Dr. Fry below:
*Protozoans love lipids (fats). The McDougall diet is used as part of treatment. Doxycycline and tetracyclines may target the fatty acid synthesis machinery.
*Toxoplasmosis is also dependent on fats.
*Protomyxzoa grows 100 times faster with fats than without.
*There is a reduction in relative biofilms with the McDougall diet.
*In some people where they had seen the organism and biofilms, they could not find the organism after being on the McDougall diet. *Unfortunately, after starting to eat higher fat content, the microbe was again present and visible.
*They did a test in people with Protomyxzoa using a 12.5 day water fast and levels of Protomyxzoa dropped to undetectable. Within 2 days of eating again, it was back.
*Protomyxzoa is found in CFS, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Crohn’s, MS, Parkinson’s, ALS, Autism, Scleroderma, and others.
*Protomyxzoa is Public Enemy #1.
*Protomyxzoa loves fat. It is complex. It is drug-resistant.
Incidentally, I have been following a low carb, moderate protein, high fat diet (specific carbohydrate diet). I love fat and crave it like crazy. I eat fat right out of the jar and can't get enough. I also fast once or twice a year and always feel amazing afterward then I start to eat and withing a few weeks my health declines and I start feeling miserable again. I did a tiny bit of research regarding symptoms and came across this:
A lot of the symptoms mentioned in that post apply to me, particularly the weight gain but also stiffness, headaches, night sweats, etc.
Anyway, I am thinking about trying a low fat diet just for a while and I am wondering if I HAVE to go to a vegan diet. The problem is that I also don't do well with carbohydrates. Even on the low carb diet I follow now, my fasting blood sugar runs around 101 to 105, plus carbs cause cravings. Would a diet consisting of boiled chicken breast and boiled low carb veggies be sufficient or do I need to cut out all animal products?
Also, I took Ivermectin earlier this year, but from what I understand it needs to be taken WITH a low fat diet. Is this correct? Any information is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,