Hi Denise,
Thanks for the information, which I read with interest. I know a lot about bactiophages, having studies zoology for four years, and unfortunatly the articles you linked to to don't quite make sense. Bacteriophages are viruses which infect and kill bacteria. So, yes, Dr J is correct that this will cause an increase in toxins being produced - as we all know, when lyme bacteria die they produce toxins. However, I can't find any evidence showing that any species of bacteriophage does actually in infect lyme disease bacteria and cause toxins, nor that antibiotics could in any way influence this. It seems to be merely his own personal opinion. Anyway, surely I would have been iller on the antibiotics if this was the case, not less ill?
The other point Dr J raises is about why people feel better on antibiotics. I know that not all antibiotics kill lyme disease, but it is clear that the antibiotic regime I was on was actually killing the bacteria, as almost all my symptoms vanished progressively over time. This would not happen if the lyme were merely being kept in check at the same level.
I don't understand how Dr J can on one hand say antibiotics are dangerous because they kill lyme bacteria and cause toxins to be released, and in another article argue that they don't actually kill the bacteria. Sounds more like a sales pitch than science to me I'm afraid.
My diet is fine, and has also not changed through the whole course of my illness. I have made an appointment to discuss another 3-month stint on the antibiotics, as I had previously been warned I might need this.