Posted 3/21/2016 11:34 PM (GMT -5)
I had 8 sessions of U.V.B.I. the summer of 2014. Igenix Lyme test was positive before U.V.B.I., and negative after. However, it didnt kill the mycoplasma and chlamydophila pneumonaei, and my virals are currently HIGH... Im currently seeing a new ND as my last ND retired. My new doc suggested doing U.V.B.I again, but honestly now Im concerned about any, IF there is any, adverse effects from the ultra violet ir-RADIATION.
Back in 2014, I did suģgest using U.V.B.I, based on the book, 'Into the light', but please keep in mind the book discusses studies done ONLY on acute illness not chronic or late stage Lyme.