Just wanted somewhere to express some nervousness about
starting my treatment regime where other Lymies can understand what I'm going through. I started Monday, and so far so good.
Here's my treatment regime... not sure what to expect:
- 1st 10 days - Nystatin
- 1st abx on day 11 - Plaqunil
- 2nd abx 5 days later - Biaxin
- 3rd abx 5 days later - Doxy (work from 1 twice a day to 2 twice a day over 15 days)
- 4th abx once on full Doxy regime - Flagyl
Along with all of these I am taking Probiotics, Fish Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Low Dose Naltrexone, CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, B complex vitamin, multiviatamin, ginger capsules, Magnesium, B12 shots and FolaPro.
I'm also getting regular massages and acupuncture, and following a strict no sugar/no yeast diet.
This seems like a crazy regime of meds, but I'm going to do whatever it takes to get better... I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, and I want to get my life back.
One question I have for those who are on treatment plans... when did you get your first herx... was it related to a specific antibiotic or treatment? Just trying to prepare myself for the nasty things that could happen.