Like a lot of you, I've been following a pretty low carb/high protein diet for a while now, but now I'm hearing about
how arginine, which is high in high-protein foods, may feed viruses (my EBV levels have not budged in the last year, and they've always been pretty high, plus I have HHV6 and parvovirus B19)...of course, I eat primarily turkey and nuts all day long!
A lot of stuff out there says to eat a higher lysine diet to counter the effects of arginine - still can't 100% understand the logistics of it, but supposedly if you're going to eat arginine, the food should have a higher I ratio of lysine to arginine? This gets tough for me because I can't tolerate any dairy, and of course the simple sugars aren't the best...
Has anyone ever tried a high lysine or low arginine diet? Any thoughts?