Posted 5/23/2012 11:57 AM (GMT -5)
Flowergal, That sounds like Dr C. I'll be seeing him again in two weeks when I migrate north again. Bringing him all my records (as I always do when I migrate).
Perhaps I should have prefaced my first post on this topic with: I have not found a single doc who has tested for - or even thought of - everything. Even Dr K in Manhattan did not discuss biofilm at the same level as Dr F in AZ. No one yet has thought it necessary to test my hormones (as Dr K in NY would do) - and I know they are all wacky.
I believe the best defense is a multi-directional offense and see several doctors in the same time period. Of course, I inform each MD who I am seeing so there are no surprises there. If a doc doesn't like that, I'll move on to someone else.
I was lucky enough to attend the free Lyme Disease Conference in Tampa, FL the week after I arrived here this winter. During the conference, I listened to more than a dozen doctors and practitioners regarding their individual bent on Lyme disease. We heard from an organic chocolateer, infusion company, rife machine specialists, electromagnetic mitigation experts, holistic exercise coordinator, and many doctors across the US and from oversees - most of whom had their own protocols for LD treatment.
I was amazed at the multitude of directions that the diseases are treated - and diagnosed. Not a single doctor subscribed to the ideas that: *Lyme disease is a single disease, *Lyme disease is easy to cure, *Lyme disease is hard to get, *there is no such thing as a biofilm with Lyme disease, *Lyme disease does not affect your immune system, *Lyme disease cannot be transmitted through sexual contact or across the placenta, *one treatment fits all, *a tick infects you with one disease, *there is only one form of Lyme disease, *STARS is not Lyme disease.
In discussion with individual doctors after presentations at during breaks, we Lymies were amazed to find that with all the shared feelings about these chronic diseases, individuals would be at odds with the group regarding specific points of treatment:
*you should "ground" your body by plugging into the ground wire of your house electric service at night v/s you should never "ground" via the electric service
*IV is an important part of treatment protocol v/s we do not need IV, there are other treatments available
*holistic treatment is sufficient and will cure these diseases v/s a combination of holistic and allopathic ("normal" MD prescriptions) treatments will help reduce symptoms, but the disease may never be cured ** NO presenter advocated the use of antibiotics without other treatments
*rife machines are wonderful v/s rife machines may help, but we are not sure of the mechanism
*meditation, dance, yoga, exercise are all important in treatment protocols - this is opposite to the IDSA "one disease, one treatment, just do what I say" concept - a concept that did not raise its spectral head during the conference.
So, just because your MD misses some things, it is important to educate yourself on different treatment protocols and discuss these with your doctor or doctors (my preference). If your insurance will cover a holistic MD or naturopath, go for it. If not, some (not all) holistic or naturopaths will treat you for less than the allopaths.
Be wary of ANYONE who tells you to eliminate or severely reduce any of the basic nutrient forms from your diet: lipids, proteins, carbohydrates, meats, vegetables, vitamins, minerals. Look for an advocate for nutritional intervention as well as medical intervention.
I have increased my whole vegetable and fruit intake (many portions raw) so I am eating more than twice what I did eat (now more than 3/4 my diet, but I do eat meat, eggs, fish in small amounts. Up to 6 eggs a week, 3 oz meat or fish with a meal.
I do not eat nightshades: tomato, potato, pepper, eggplant, okra, paprika, capsaicum, etc. It is difficult as I loved these foods - but I removed them 15 years ago because of arthritis. I do not suffer painful Herx reactions as I did during my 5.25-year Lyme disease attack in 1988-1994. Now my Herxing is cardiac and neurological - sometime very hard to get through, but at least I do not hurt like I did.
If you want to PM me, alblueheron at gmail
Keep a record of how you feel and bring it with you (with questions) to every doctor's visit.
My FL MD attended one day - but I really felt she should have spent more time there. When I mentioned several topics presented, she was unaware (ignorant is too harsh a term) of the protocols