Posted 5/23/2012 3:02 PM (GMT -5)
I used to have off the charts gripping ripping chest pain and have been through the entire cardio review spending a night in cardio unit.
At first in the ER they took blood and must have found something because they were ordering all kinds of shots s
Nd kept me overnight.
They released me next day after almost killing me on the treadmill test.
It was insane.
I never get chest pains again after doing parasite meds.
I sound like broken record here on the parasite thing but seriously anyone being treated for Lyme who has not done a metametrix stool test or other high detection stool test is not being fully treated.
I believe it was the strongly ides that was causing those chest pains because after taking ivermectin i never had that paiin.
Has anyone googled around on this FL1953 protaxyoma that Fry discovered.
I think this is a major break through and something we all need to be aware of.
Fry says biofilms are major issue and fat free diet like Mcdougal diet is key.
And no magnesium or calcium or iron.
He is having major success with no relapse.
Everyone prescribing magnesium as a heart pain remedy should want to get educated on biofilms and magnesium