This is a good one S/J!!!! Nice and concise that stimulates my technical brain!
It sorta validates what all my tests have told me too - that I have Bb and probably not anything else,. One would think that a VERY LONG TERM chronic Lyme sufferer like me, I would have several co-infections but, despite having LapCorp test (2x), Igenex (including the FISH test) and bioenergetics, we could not find one iota of a coinfection - my issue was/is Bb and a LOT of it (along with mercury toxicity). The chart you posted verified apractically all my symptoms being ONLY in the Bb section of the chart! Of course, the heavy metal issue added a few diverse symptoms as well. But now, I am down to probably less than 10% of the symptoms remaining - either in number or intensity....I feel good and I am taking the last remaining steps to be fully healed! I think a lot of what I have remaining will require further chelating the mercury and repair of a couple of root canals...
Post Edited (yazzer) : 5/29/2012 1:17:22 PM (GMT-6)