Posted 6/28/2012 5:44 PM (GMT -5)
Hi guys...I first became ill in 2005. I knew I had Lyme, that's when I joined here, but it went undiagnosed for a year. I became really sick on and off that year, and wasn't 100% I had Lyme but I had a good idea.
After a year, I had all sorts of neuro symptoms and really felt like I had a deep infection. I saw a great LLMD who brought me back to life. I had Tetracycline for a month or two. Then Zithromax and Mepron and I was like a new person in a few months. I know lots of people say, "You never get rid of it, etc" but I really felt like I got it gone and I was healed. I had a baby. Then I had a few years later...I got reinfected! This time I had the rash so I knew right when it happened. I live in a really really really high risk area. I live about a half hour from Lyme CT. It is just bad here! I went on medications for a few months and was fine again.
The next time(s) were merged into one...I became pregnant with baby #3 in 2010 and in late fall I started to feel really off and had swollen glands and noticed the same old symptoms. I recognized the bites. I was really freaked out since I was pregnant. I got treated really fast and I think that helped protect my baby, as he is perfect. A few months went by and I weaned off the medications...right after he was born. After about 3 weeks, the symptoms came back, horribly. I was sick for a few days and got back on my medications and then I went back to normal. During last summer, I was feeling pretty normal...I thought I'd start weaning myself off my medications again. And guess what. Another red rash on the same spot that all ticks like to bite on me (hips/back) and a relapse of feeling horrible. I've been on medications ever since, so we're looking at a year almost...and if I slip up and don't take 1-2 pills, I get a horrible relapse.
First, clearly I realize I have no business being outside anymore. Second, we're looking at moving. Out of state. I know you are not safe anywhere. But. We're looking at a place that is a *little* less risky. Anyone consider that? Not just because of that, we might be moving for other reasons but that's a plus, because of my three children. Only about 3 hours away though since I need to be in driving distance of my Lyme doctor. We live in a forest , 7 acres....Lots and lots of ticks everywhere...99% with Lyme. It's so scary. Dog has had Lyme 3 times, almost died the first time.
Last, why can't I get rid of it this time? I feel like I caught it even faster, so...what gives? A year on this forever? Oh and difference is that the first time while I was on medications, I still felt symptoms and gradually got better. This time while I'm on my meds like I'm supposed to be, there is no evidence of my Lyme. You would never know I have it. I am fine. Then I slip up and all hell breaks loose. Is it because I'm older now...over 30 now? Is it cumulative? I may have explored more with herbals and supplements the first time, could that be it? With the three kids I find myself so busy, usually I come second...
Right now I am on Omnicef and Zithromax.
But, short story long! I just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas...