Here's another thing that we have to keep in mind - even if the doc's don't - the CDC's guidelines are supposed to be for surveillance purposes only, not for diagnostic purposes. At least that's what the CDC's site
used to say.
I see that they have changed it around and have started claiming things to support the IDSA's stance though - sorry you-know-what's!!! That leaves people getting misdiagnoses, not getting adequate treatment should they happen to actually get a diagnosis, and then leave them with Chronic infections because they weren't treated long enough.
I also saw that they support the use of the term "Post Lyme Disease Syndrome"- so that those people that are only treated for the 2 - 4 weeks that they recommend are left to wonder why they are still suffering so much, when that stance just allows an infection to go unchecked in the body!!
Boy, would I ever love to pull them by the ear back behind the wood shed for a talking...or whatever....