Hi clasam aka Jon,
Do you think you may be addicted to the opioids? If so, I suggest putting yourself in a detox place and get off the opioids as they are very addicting (I went out with a guy who was addicted to them).
In my non-medical opinion, you won't be able to heal yourself from the lyme until you stop taking the opioids. When these drugs wear off, the pain is usually much worse.
Keep it simple and take care of the opioid problem first. Once you do that (if you want to do it), then you can go after the lyme bacteria.
I really feel for you as addiction is a huge problem (I am a recovering alcoholic myself since 1985 so I know about addiction and it stinks!)...
If you are in that much pain, please go to the ER.
Hang in there, we are here for you,