Hang in there!! It
does get old in a hurry, doesn't it? But we are worth the effort!! Keep up the good work!! That fact that you can continue to work is a big deal!!
We all get sick and tired of being sick and tired 24/7. All of the pills, or herbs, or tinctures or whatevers that we all have to take can wear on anyone's nerves! At last count I was up to 85 pills/caps/tabs that I take daily and honestly, it's a struggle some days to force myself to continue on with all of that!!
But the alternative just isn't even something we should consider
, so we keep on plodding along, one foot in front of the other, one day at a time & all of that! LOL!
Keep your eye on the prize!! Having your life back is all worth it in the end! Look for those small improvements and celebrate them as if you just won the lottery!! LOL!!
I do have to add in - be sure you are detoxing so that your body doesn't have to overcome those toxins without any help!! That'll only slow your healing.