Posted 9/18/2012 9:49 AM (GMT -5)
To be honest, Shinji, that's the way LLMD"s are supposed to operate!!! This is supposed to be a clinical diagnosis, with test results hopefully backing up the diagnosis.
There is so much wrong with the testing though, that somewhere between 50 and 60% of those who receive a negative test result actually do have these infections!!
There are several reasons for this:
1)There are over 100 different strains of Lyme Disease in the US - 300 world wide. No one knows yet if all of them actually cause the disease, as they haven't tested them all yet. The currently used tests only look for 4 or 5 different strains, so if you have one of the 'other' strains, the test will be negative.
2)The Lyme bacteria can go into a protective 'form' (usually referred to as cyst form or cell wall deficient form) and can not only hide from the immune system, but actually avoid the effects of abx. This becomes a real problem in testing because the tests rely on the immune systems response to the bacteria - creating antibodies - which it won't do if it doesn't "see" the bacteria.
3)There are still many lab techs and drs that don't understand how to read the test results!! Sounds weird, but it's true! Many people post results -with their docs having told them they are negative - when they have plenty of positive bands!
4)Some labs that run the test, don't use the right medium to culture the test, which means that the test isn't sensitive enough to show a positive test result. Igenex is the lab with the best reputation for having a sensitive test (which is why some doctors tell patients that it's a bad lab!), although for those who can't afford Igenex, Lab Corp sometimes turns up with positive results.
Even if you don't get a positive lab report, your doc may still want to treat you. I didn't get a positive test until I had been on strong abx for a full year. So don't get too hung up on what this test has to say.
With that being said - I know how you feel about wanting that validation (at first I wanted to take those positive results and go back to each and every doc and shove them in their face!!!), but healing is what we really want, so it's best to concentrate on your healing.