Oh golly gee shucks!! *kicks dirt with toe of boot* Thanks for the kind words!! I do try! LOL! My Mom used to tell me "Yes dear, you are
very trying" LOL!!!! It was just a joke of course!
Giggle!! I'm so glad that you have found some of my ramblings helpful!
Telling yourself to relax can be necessary, since when those things happen to me, the first thing I do is try harder, which seems to lock thing up even more. The same goes for the pain in my neck and shoulders. Thanks to hand milking goats, I have a tendency by this time of the year to give myself tendonitis, so I stay tensed a lot of the time, which doesn't help my neck and shoulder issues much either!! LOL!
how to relax muscles that have been super tight for a long period has really helped me!! I actually spend time every night before going to sleep making sure that I my muscles are as relaxed as they can be. I always sleep better.