I really appreciate u guys. This is heck. I am sick of being sick. It is so old, wiht no resolve thus far.
I got a new md, cause my old one said she could no longer help me, and said it was a medical mystery.
SO I have a new md. and so I had to go for standard blood work, I did not mention lymes on the first
I sleep all night, grateful cause I use to not do so, and then I get up to fall alseep again sometmes 2 naps a day
I soak my feet in salt and hydrogen peroxid. I keep trying to figure out what I can eat.
I have dirrheas and bloated belly. Yesterday while drivng home, I made an effort to get home as fast as possible park my car by the front door and literally run to the bathroom.
THis is not normal
I hate my life right now.
I try to be positive, well at least I made it home, was heading home otherwise, not a pretty picture...
this is riduclouos my life.
all i want is to be well and full of vitality, energy.
I drag everyday, so I eat things that I think will give me energy but it only does for a tiny bit or not at all
I feel like a junkie using food to get me enregy to do some chores, pay bills, etc
and then I have to use the restroom and then sleep
it is just too much
finances depleating, more money for tp
I cant take it anymore, I mean I do the best I can, but jeez, I pray for wellness, this is too difficult, this is not a true life.