Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone has been to see Dr. "C" in Mt. Kisko, NY? If so, what was/is your experience?
Also, I have no idea if this is related to lyme or not but yesterday I woke up with that relux feeling in my throat/chest. It was there all day. Very annoying. However, last night when I was sleeping, I woke up severely choking on the bile. It was as if the heartbun bubble that had been there all day burst. My eyes were tearing, my throat was soo scorched I could barely swallow and I guess some went to my esophagus because I was coughing like when you've swallowed something the wrong way. It was awful! My throat is extremely scratchy today.
Post Edited By Moderator (borderlyme) : 10/8/2012 8:28:32 AM (GMT-6)