Thanks Springsjean now only if I could find 10 minutes in my life... I soon will when things calm down a little.
Your right music really helps! I think i'll put some on right now.
Rori its tough and I think everyone has to break down every once and a while. I remember first getting diagnosed and being so thankful then when Dr's started talking treatment and I started reading I was sure at the stage I was at that Lyme was a death sentence. But, guess what? I'm still here ha ha :)
The thing about
Dr's who are willing to treat Lyme disease is they are VERY overwhelmed with patients because there are so few Dr's for so many patients. Is it a LLMD you are seeing? If it isn't they probably are not the one that you want to treat you. Trust me and the experiences of others you don't want to deal with egos of infectious disease Dr's.
Before you start treatment I really hope you will try to detox and to ease you mind the detoxing baths really aren't scary. They are quite relaxing actually as long as you don't get the water too hot. Aim for warm and work your way up from there. Also if you aren't on antibiotics try an oral detox. Everyone is different but detoxing has saved me!
I know it is hard with kids I have one daughter she is 3 years old and has congenital Lyme from me :( She may not have the traditional childhood but I sure love her more than anything else in the world. I hope that makes up for the things that she misses out on. Also I try and push myself as much as I possibly can when I can for her. We went to a pumpkin patch but only for 20 min... its all I could do. I don't think that any kid has the perfect life but if their parents love them their life can be great no matter what. :) It sounds like your a loving parent and you have to push to get better for that little guy!
Ya Pharma are my prescribed meds rocefin, metoprolol, alinia, zofran. rifampin, actigall geez I guess I have 6! And the naturals are Crypto plus (tincture), IGG (immune booster), GSE(natural antibiotic/antiviral), Maca Root (Immune support), 1000 MG vit c, L-Drain(tincture), Gannoderma mushroom extract, milk thistle, vit D, and probiotics. If I take them on the right schedule I really do feel better.
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel I live in California and my Doc is in the bay area. I know that it can be soo consuming and it still gets me and I get confused and at a loss for words with so many words flying through my head but, I know and want you to know with the help of great people such as this support group we can all get through this together!
Email me any time with any questions or if you just want to talk. I have taken several natural protocols and have now been on antibiotics for almost a year. Just started with a PICC line though so I am hoping this is it!!!!! It really makes me feel better to at least try and help other people if I can. Thanks for responding both of you!