Denise this is how I see this community forum ... as the only people that truly get what this is all about
and how painful it is to live with it . I actually decided to sign up because of the crappy treatment by my so called friends and associations ( associations ... people who I have met in the past few years and who are "friendly " with me yet have made faces or negative comments regarding my symptoms ) .
I knew that I need to refrain from sharing my feelings with those people because I was noticing how angry and resentful I was starting to feel about how they treated me . Acting like I am a hypochondriac or that I was crazy for googling my symptoms , going gluten free or grain free etc.. like I was some kind of freak and that I CAUSE MY OWN SYMPTOMS !
I do know that I can just stop talking about it to people and maybe if I stayed off hte subject then I wouldn't get the flack ... but to me , what good are they if they are only available or nice to me if its the fun stuff we talk about ??? kwim ?
And it is so hard to stay off hte subject when my whole body is buzzing and I am having all over muscle fatigue and charlie horse cramps for no reason and I am feeling like I have to gasp for air ... it down right is near impossible to ignore , it is at that point overpowering my mind .
Funny you say that about her having lyme disease ... she had started getting aching and fatigue in her arms several months ago , and she had then started feeling tired all the time , she was talking about not wanting to get up and get going like she use to , and she recently posted on facebook "does anyone else get frequent headaches , I am getting 3 a week ! " ...
But you know I have suggested to her maybe she has lyme , and she was snotty about that too , she laughed at me ( literally laughed out loud ) and said "OH ANG .. you think everyone has some disease or condition , I dont have lyme disease , your so funny " lol lol lol lol... she made t his big ha ha thing of it , like I'm such a joke , and this is her reaction to everything lately . And so good luck to her , if she does have lyme , hope she doesn't call me for support , I will direct her to her MD , BUWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAAA !!!!