Remember what we put in a bath, we absorb - whether it be Epsom Salt (which is magnesium which will can make your bowels move) or vinegar, or ginger.
When I took my very first detox bath, I herxed for 3 days straight and it got pretty intense! In
]all things move slowly, even the detox baths. Remember as you detox, it means that the toxins are on the move, making those with high toxin loads feel worse. I know I still can't take a detox bath every day!! I use a lot of the foot baths and that would be my suggestion for you, Confusedby.
LOL!! Then I had this brilliant thought
and I bought those foot pads that detox. WOW!
Not something I would suggest to anyone that has issues with just using the detox baths as they are
not a gentler way to go!!! I had a three day migraine that was the worst I had ever experienced!! I was sooo ill! I would like to try them again, but I'm chicken now!!! LOL!!
Do the full detox baths only 2 or 3 times a week - you'll find what's right for your situation - and use the foot soaks in between. If that's too much - and it could be, then back off further until you find what your body can deal with for now. Detoxing can bring on herxes too!!
Remember to do the other detoxing things as well though! Dry skin brushing, drinking 32 ounces of water (more would be better!) and eating healthy. We need all the help detoxing as we can get!
The other thing you have to consider is that although I would in no way encourage you to stop taking your abx, you are on a low enough dose that it won't stop the bacteria from moving around and causing issues still. At that dose, all it does is keep them from reproducing, not inhibit any movements.