(It was fierce for me last nite.
I got out my digital video camera and taped over some wedding tapes
cause I had no new ones.
I wanted to documenate what I was going thorugh, most of it, me just talking about my journey with this through this.
I also annyomonusly rated an old dr. of mine, whom I went to several x when I first got sick. She told me she did not know how to help me.
I felt better saying what i needed to say in this format. It angers me she gets paid so much, her children get this comfy great life. I am suffering everyday, doing my best to get through each second., with ? of how I am going to live the rest of my life, as everything has changed. she told me I was becoming a hypercondriate.
I have screamed into pillows.
I have ordered some lyme shirts. I just want to shout it to the world
that this is messed up. to go this long, without proper treatment.
To be passed around, etc. thousands, thousands, thousands of dollars spent over the years, etc. There needs to be accurate testing and a cure
something needs to be done sooner, etc. Patients need to be taken seriously.
I feel like a sacrificial lamb, and I am over it. I want to live my life. I want to do what I use to do, just being how I was, how I intended to be when i came to this painfully unbalanced planet....
THis is my new life mission, lyme advocacy.
I hate that this is my life right now. it at times cripples me.
I hate that I have to keep this a secret from my mom and fake it, tell her I am fine, every time she asks. )
was wondering what you guys do when you are an intense herxing experience.
thanks. how u get through it....