Here's the link to that article that I spoke of about
Rickettsia infections: From the reading that I've done, many Holistic doc's are now thinking that these infections are far from stand alone diseases. It takes a combination of stress factors for the body to be vulnerable - things like mold, viruses, and other factors.
It's the Marshall Protocol that warns to stay away from vitamin D. They state that the body handles it wrong if the person is infected with cell wall deficient bacteria. That it converts it instead to a secosteriod and too much of this is harmful. If you would like to read more on that, here is a link:
It does sound as if your boyfriends daughter may have been infected before birth with those symptoms. I went through a lot of that while growing up myself. I'm sure glad to know that someone is finally looking into it! Dr. Charles Jones is known world wide for his treatment of children with these infections. It could be helpful for you to do some reading on there as well. Igenex is one of the top labs for detecting Lyme infections, but even their tests are limited because they too are only testing for 4 or 5 strains of the Bb bacteria. I do hope that you get some good results back soon!
Please remember to get you started on some treatment too!!