the back of my neck hurts so much to hold my head up
I feel like I am dying a sloooowwww death, always feel so sick
i have had or have 81 symptoms out of 122 , list. at llmd office.
I am angry at US, the whole health care sys. etc. like mine and so many others, life have been a sacrifice in a sense
brings awareness to others but what about us?
The uS gov, medical areana does not care about us
I use to have a bumper sticker that said there is no gov like no gov
but since I am so sick, and the years of it
and trying to get well faster, trying to figure out what was wrong
so many dif drs, i do want the whole medical sys in the usa to change for the better, to help people with lyme and soon as they exhbit a list of symtoms, no rash, no bullseye needs to be present.
going to so many dif drs, only to be
enduring their verbal garbage :, of i need to loose weight, i must have had 3 kids judging from size of belly and stretch
marks, i am becoming a hypocondriac, do i have mad cow disease?, it is a mystery... your labs are fine
u just have anxiety....
no one helped me, just passed me off to a specialist, bone dr, gr, neurologist, and then I went to a psychologist
at least I had someone who would listen to me for 65 bucks each time.
so much time wasted...
Grateful for my llmd now, but it has been a rough road to get here, YEars
money all spent, only a few thousand left in the accounts, hundreds of thousands spent of suriving, etc from when i got so dibilating sick.
I know, internal feeling, that my body is shutting down, how many years can you go with being so sick everyday, all day?
The body I feel can only take so much...
I have to use a cane to walk now. I know I am going to die one year from this disease as opposed to another illness
the bone pain alone, is off any measurable scale, incredible bone pain....
I just dont want to die without part of my story told, hence i write here
I dont wnat to die on us soil either. I pray I can get well enough, and move permently to another country.
no big brother, shots, immunizations , chemtrails for me.
I just want to be healthy, happy, and free. love and light, hope2b