For me, the heels and ball of the feet are the most painfull.It feels like the soles are badly bruised, sometimes it feels more like burned. The rest of the foot is really tensed. Feels like the inside of my feet are too large for the skin, like they want to burst out of the skin...
It's worst when waking up, I almost can't stand on my feet the first 10 minutes. Or when I'm sitting with my feet up in the sofa for a while and then have to get up, I can't put my whole foot down, I walk like a very old lady. And they also make cracking noises. Throughout the day they are mostly just a bit tender, sometimes they tingle.
Wearing heels is painful, never knew why I couldn't do like other women, now I know. I only wear them for occasions, and put those silicone patches in them.