Thank you all for your replies!
Thank you for the natural approach! I have Ashwagandha at home, I bought it as part of Buhner Protocol - but since I take muscle relaxer before going to sleep, I haven't tried Ashwagandha (that is advised to get better sleep).
I'll start taking it, but very slowly.
I take Eleuthero as part of Buhner's Core Protocol.
Ginger seems to be good for so many things, but it contains a substance (forgot what it is, my nutricionist told me a while ago) that gives me headaches...
it doesn't seem a simple answer at all... There's 1 dr in this country treating TBD's... he's a cardiologist/internist - I don't know if he knows much about hormones (he didn't even want to test my thyroid, I had to insist, he would only do TSH, so I had to go to my GP to get this bloodwork done - I'll have to go back to him and inform about a saliva test) - nothing seems to be easy with these diseases...
Thanks though for the good advise - I'll try to gather info on good (out of the box thinking) endocrinologists... I'll need a good dose of luck with that...
I've always been borderline or too high in TSH (had radiotherapy on the thyroid area), but no one would ever treat me for it. I indeed feel like crap for so many years. I had an endocrinologist doing a thyroid scan years ago, it was a bit larger than normal, but still within range. So she couldn't do anything, especially because T3 and T4 were within range.
I sometimes really really hate all of those narrow minded presumptuous drs... (sorry...)