Posted 4/10/2013 2:14 PM (GMT -5)
OK, this is a little complicated. I was taking oxycontin 20mg twice a day and percocet for breakthrough pain. My pain was better for a few days and we decreased the OC to 10mg twice a day. Then my pain came raging back (I think after I started zithromax and mepron) and I called my dr. and talked to him about my increased pain and he said I could increase it back to the original dose of 20. He was going out of town for a week and I realized that I would not have enough to have increased it to double.
So, I called the office and they passed the message along to the other dr., who wanted to see me. Well, I had the appt. today, where he launched into telling me how narcotics don't work for fibro and lyme disease and that I needed to get off these drugs sooner rather than later, etc. etc. This really upset me and bothered me. I told him that my pain is so severe that I can hardly get out of bed some days and am crying in pain. I told him that isn't acceptable to me. I told him that I could get by with the meds that I had until my appt Tues. with my regular dr. He then refilled the meds and increased the OC to 20mg twice a day and refilled my percocet for 3weeks. And then he did a drug test on me- which my other dr. has never done.
I am thinking I should just hold on to the prescriptions until I see my dr. on Tues. and see what he wants me to do. What do you all think?
I don't want my reg. dr. to think I was trying to get more meds while he was gone. I really just wanted advice on how to take these meds and if it would be ok to skip taking the long acting med for 2 days.
Need some advice!! This has kicked up my anxiety levels significantly b/c I do worry about addiction and not being able to decrease the meds.
Thanks all.