Posted 4/12/2013 10:58 PM (GMT -5)
Chest pain is very common and really there can be a multitude of symptoms. One very common one is a condition called costacondritis. It can be minor, r feel as if ou were having a heart attack. It is the inflammation of the joints that connect the sternum to the ribs. It can cause pain, shortness of breathe, pressure.. the symptoms really go on. Its inflammation of the joints, exactly what lyme loves to attack. You can try taking some Advil to see if the pain goes away. I was taking 800-1200 mg until the costicondritis passed (about 2 months), but it still flares up sometimes, not nearly as long though.
I would certainly pay attention to your pulse rate and blood pressure. Do you have a little home machine? They can come in really handy. If you have concerns, certainly talk to your dctor about checking out your heart, but if you see a cardiologist, I suggest you find one that is knowledgeable in lyme, because the same symptoms can mean entirely different things.
Good luck,