What's that 'sexy'?? - lol
It's not as if he doesn't know what's going on, you're not hiding it. I would say: go for it! The positive energy of falling in love will do you good. This disease may also make your relationship stronger?
I've been married for almost 10 years - it's a challenge, for both him and me. We met when I was already sick. So I could say that he doesn't know any better - lol. He's staying for now, so imagine how great I could be if I weren't ill
- rofl
He almost does the entire household now, not always the way I want it to be done, but I stopped picking on that.
We do our best though to talk about it. I've noticed that I've been hiding a lot of symptoms for him. We went out for dinner on Saturday, and we were talking about how to proceed treatment. He was asking me what I felt besides being tired, if stopping treatment was an option cause it's only making me worse.
First I was shocked, then I realized that I haven't been very clear about it. Ok, I complain that I'm tired, that my joints and muscles ache, that I have a headache - but he never 'got' the intensity and the continuous nature of my pains and discomfort. I never told him the long list of neurological complaints I have, I've been hiding it to drs because they were saying it's all in my head, so that's what I did with him too. He knows less than some of my friends.
I have even told my husband that if he wants to step out of it cause it's taking too long, that I wouldn't blame him. He's 42, I'm almost 34, we don't have children - I don't want to stop him leading a normal life and having children now. He told me I was completely nuts.
He's not always that supportive, but all in all, it could be worse - lol.