Posted 4/26/2013 8:27 PM (GMT -5)
Seeing Traveler's last post reminds me that I really need to qualify what I have said in my post.
If you are in a very fragile condition, cannot acclimate to even warm baths, have not been detoxing or disagree with detoxing, and have not been willing/able to think outside of the box, then you simply are not ready for this protocol at all. This is not for you because this would cause a herx that you would severely regret!
If you are highly motivated to eliminate the hypersensitivity in your limbs, or the pain in your joints, then this protocol may be for you. You must also be willing to start slowly in implementing the protocol, know your body, and use common sense in knowing how to protect yourself from a herx.
This protocol does not address pain that originates in the Central Nervous System. It addresses pain that originates in your limbs.
I am going to go back to my old habit of writing a very long post. I do this so that you will understand and have enough confidence in the protocol so that you may want to do it, and effectively do it.
The protocol consists of several components that are logically arranged for maximum effect. The blood and tissue concentrations of proteolytic enzymes, antimicrobial, and essential oil will be at the highest levels at the same time when the heat and detoxification is applied. This will create a synergistic effect where biofilm dissolution, microbial die-off, blood flow, lymphatic flow, and detoxification will all be optimized into a focused and effective treatment where others have previously failed.
Following is the full protocol. Afterwards I will offer suggestions as to how to build up to the full protocol. I will word the protocol differently this time, and even add optional features.
1) Take proteolytic enzyme on an empty stomach.
2) One half hour later- massage Thieves Oil into the skin on your joint(s). You may also want to take your antimicrobial at this time (optional).
3) One half hour later- take an oral detoxifier such as Jernigan's Antitox or Nutramedix Burbur on an empty stomach (optional). Continue to take it every 30 minutes if you desire.
4) One hour after the Thieves Oil take a hot warm/hot bath, not to exceed 108 degrees for 45-60 minutes. You may include Epsom Salts and Hydrogen Peroxide (optional). Adding these things will enhance detoxification.
5) After the bath immediately do an Ionic Foot Detox to bio-energetically remove toxins. You can also put the tray on a table and put your arms into the tray, if you are treating your arms.
6) Take Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, and Magnesium/Calcium supplements to repair cartilage and nerve damage.
It is important to start at a level that does not create a herx. You might want to do the protocol only once a week. Start with low levels of proteolytic enzyme, essential oils, and antimicrobial, and only build up as you are able to acclimate to it. You may want to start with a 20 minute "warm" bath at 100 degrees.
Do the protocol once a week. If it presents no challenge for you to do it more frequently, you might want to do it twice a week.
This protocol has the potential to make you herx more than you have ever herxed in your life, if you don't use some common sense. Creating a herx is the easiest and most foolish thing to do, but that is NOT our goal here. Our goal is to clear all of the junk out of your limbs/joints and blood vessels, and get the blood and lymph flowing, eliminate the microbes, and to remove the toxins. When you are able to achieve all of this, you will find that your joint pain and hypersensitivity will quickly disappear. That is if your problems originate in the limb itself.
My daughter's entire right arm, shoulder, and scapula were extremely hypersensitive for 7 months before we did 6 treatments that eliminated all of the symptoms. Her joints, muscle, and skin were all involved,, and her arm was cold to the touch. We continued the treatments 5 times beyond the last symptoms to be sure that we removed all of the junk in her arm. Her arm had been extremely painful, weak, and atrophying before we did the treatments. Her LLMD had no answers, so I was forced to take things into my own hands. I theorized that the blood vessels in her arm were largely occluded, there were mega microbe "colonies" in her arm, lymphatic flow was reduced, and that there was massive deposition of toxins in her arm tissues. This required an extremely focused, multi-faceted, and purposeful approach.
I know that this protocol may sound scary to some people. However, if you really use common sense and move slowly it may be the best thing that you have ever done for yourself. I realize that the majority of people here will either have no need for this protocol, or may have a need for it but will pass it by. This protocol is for those that have painful limbs, a fighting spirit, and are willing and able to think outside of the box. I am not disparaging anyone, but i realistically admit that few would ever venture to use this protocol for a variety of reasons.
Also I do not claim that this is a finalized version of an effective protocol. I would welcome if others would tweak the protocol where they feel that it may be needed. Let's make this a collaborative affair! Lets keep in mind that it is important to address several things:
1) thin blood, clear blood vessel plaque accumulations, dissolve biofilm
2) wide spectrum approach to eliminate microbes, think microbe "colonies"
3) increase lymphatic flow
4) effectively detoxify
5) avoid a herx!!!
6) Avoid mono-therapy which will never work in the most intransigent cases.
7) think logical sequence and optimal utilization of each component of protocol
8) think in terms of diversity of approach- bio-chemical, thermal, bioenergetics, etc.
9) think in terms of basic component requirements and synergy of these components combined
10) think in terms of the tools that are available to you in an at-home environment
The joint pain and and much of the hypersensitivity that most of you are experiencing is totally unnecessary. If your doctors are unwilling or unable to do anything about it, it doesn't mean that you have to put up with it! Who is willing to fight back?