I'm new here. I had this Granuloma on my neck about 3 to 4 years ago and I never really noticed it. I was starting haveing boughts of dizzieness and joint pain along with some tremmor issues. I saw my GP when the dizzieness and balance became more of a problem when I was haveing driving issues, ( Near Accidents ) I really thought I could handle it with out going to the Doctor but when the dizzieness and balance became intense along with sensitivity to sounds, Makeing me way off balance almost knocking me down, I knew I was in trouble.
The Doctors I was seeing thought it was either Manieeres diease or a vestibular issue and I had a lyme test done then, but I was also on antibiotics as well because they thought I may have an inner ear infection or to dry up fluid in the inner ear. It came back neg on the report. I went through very extensive testing and Mri's and the whole shabng with the Neurologists. It's been about four years now and during this time, I notice this Granuloma on my neck and I asked the Doc's what it was.
They told me not to worrie about it, that it was nothing to worrie about. It was dark red and slightly raised and the size of a halfdollar, It really didn't hurt or itch , unless I rubbed on it then it would itch and have a slight bit of pain when I did rub it. It had a kind of scally feeling to it . I kept an eye on it as the years passed and my symptoms have progressed and are now numorous. I have had None of my Doctors or Neurologists or Specialists
be able to Diagnosse me and all seem to have differant speculations of what this is ,but none have even tried aany treatment what so ever.
Mean while , as of present the spot on my neck has almost dissapeared, but there's a red ring around the area where it was much brighter. Almost like a slight scar ring. I heve read lots about Other conditions that fit my symptoms and have gotten so confused because the Doc's say, " it could be MS , or It could be Parkinsons , or ALS , or " You get the picture. But I decided that maybe they just over looked something more simple and just maybe they need to look a little closer rather than go into a much bigger diagnosis. Lyme, I have done alot of checking on my own and it explaines everyone of my symptoms and I just have a hard time thinking that all this testing and many appointment and medications that don't help because I'm not depressed,could have been avoided.
Not to mention loosing my job and insurance, If they would have tested properly, I would still have my life back. Now that I feel I'm on the right track with this and after reading the difficulties in getting the right testing and Difficulties in diagnosis and getting the proper treatment , especially if you have Chronic Lyme, which I feel I have. Doctors are afriad to treat or Only treat to standards from the very people who write the standards who have thier hands in the till, so to speak, and are the very ones who are supposed to help the people who are ill. But are wirtting these standards to get monitary gain through profiteering through your illness. Rather than letting the Doctors do thier job and cure you.
They would rather just let it drag on and make money through Pattents and Pharma companies , makeing big profits off the Tests ( Labratory's ) Drugs that treat symptoms ( Pharma. company's ) Insurance ( Charging horrendous fee's for treatment ) Causing insurance priemieums to sky rocket, than let you get the cure. I have read about plum Island and the lyme connection, I have seen the Doctors who do try and treat this condition correctly and the persacution that they endure from the insurance companies getting thier lively hood pulled out from under them, and the ties Pharma has in getting thier Licenses pulled. And now they have to be secrative to avoid prosecution, But where dose that leave us ? The ones who need the treatment and In alot of cases, need to be treated fast and effectively.
It has become so secrative and Doctors are so fearful, It's almost impossable for the average joe to get the help they need, and with out the fear that no one will. or the fear of loosing everything that they have just to get better. Some already feel they have lost everything already, Job's , House , Money ( 401 K's Retirement funds) Insurance. Some are so indebted that they can't afford getting the testing or treatments. Ya gotta look at a bigger picture here. The ones who have been going through this that are chronic and no longer have the abilities to, Drive, Work, and in some cases even talk or Walk, ( Bed ridden ) I don't know how far this goes with the hand tilling, but I have a feeling this goes way beyond even my comprehension and the power that these hand tillers have is probably beyond me as well.
It just sucks that the average joe busts thier asses so hard in life to get ahead, and the very people who are supposed to be there for us, have the power to take it all away. I always believed that the people had the power, but the reality is Money is power and the people who have the money have the power. Ultimately it's about the almighty buck.