Posted 5/18/2013 10:05 PM (GMT -5)
i saw the president of the lyme foundation,they dont seem 2 care about me,its like im expendable or something,1st they say i got it then i dont,then theY,LLMD,'S,,say ive been adequedly treated,then they say try this antibiotic,like a few yrs later,,so im definitly positive,,he even said,hes concerned with the babesis and no spleen,could b fatal,,possible miningitis,,,,neorologist says encephalitis,,,heart dr says lyme cardiomypathy,,gall bladder dr says i have bad gall bladder,BUT HE WANT'S LLMD 2 make diagnosis on lyme with no spleen 1st,,,its one big vicious cycle,,no communication,,,,im in limbo land,,,i think they are skerred,,,h#(( im skerrd,,,,ive tryd acupucture,MINIMAL,,,a few pins n the ear afew in the feet,,that aint phasing me,,,ive tryd 2 discuss homeopathy,BUT,its just discussed,,,im having a hard time fending 4 myself,,ITS CRAZY,,,i do appreciate your concern,,,,im getting 2 the point that mayb they wood like 2 do an autopsy,mayb where they can help others,,,IDK,,,,I WOOD LIKE 2C THE BEST HOMOPATHIC DR AROUND,,,,,,nobodys sterring me that way,,,they,my pcp,just talks about it,,,ive had a few pcp's,,,,its like take a asperin and call me n the morning,,,,at least my pcp did barely help with my dissability,tg,,,,,i definitely cant function,,,,,im like a vegetable,well dun!!!!!ive been told with my allergys and herx affect,that i shud be admited in the hospital,b4 taking any more antibiotics,,sum drs want me 2 try more ab's,BUT,with my long 10yr + period b4 being daignosed,that more ab's probablly wont work,and they might just kill me,,,this really s#$ks,,,hope 2 hear from u again,,,mayb with good hpthy dr n my area,,or sumthn