Posted 4/10/2013 2:02 PM (GMT -5)
Hi everyone!
It's been a long time since i've posted as i have been extremely sick. I posted in January about plans to start the Jernigan Protocol. Unfortunately soon after I posted I developed horrible, constant stomach pain. Went through a battery of the standard tests, x rays, ultrasounds, blood work blah blah blah. Nothing was really coming up. H pylori DID come up in my blood work, so i finally reluctantly did the week of double antibiotics for that. Well it's my last day of antibiotics and i am no better. So dealing with this on top of my regular symptoms of nausea and weakness etc has left me basically bedridden the past 3 months for all but a few days.
Well, i didn't begin the protocol as i was hoping to get this new stomach pain issue under control first. Unfortunately, i think it may well have been the hpylori but it's possible that because of my lyme and co's it's not going to be fixed as easy as it would in a "healthy" person. Or it could just be that i've developed yet another symptom from lyme and co's.
All this to say, ever since i heard about the Hansa Center i really wanted to go. But i just don't have that kind of money. (Gotta love the catch 22 of being too sick to make the money you need to get better!) But then last month my grandmother informed me that she literally "found" this account she didn't even know she had with enough money for me to make the trip to the center. It just kind of seems "meant to be" almost in that i got so much worse, forcing me to deal with my illness NOW not later, and then coming into this money that she has offered me.
So long story short, i have booked my 2 weeks at Hansa to begin May 6th. We are not 100% sure we are going to go however we have up to a week in advance to cancel if need be with only a $50 charge. I know there are a few of you on this board that have been there, and i know there are some it has helped tremendously and a few that it maybe only helped for a bit. I am hopeful that the wonderful doctors at the center will be able to help me get my health back, as i have been sick for so long and these last few months of being bedridden have really given me the "enough is enough"! mindset. I want to be healthy more than anything and will do whatever it takes to get my life back!
Should I make this trip I will definitely keep you all updated via this thread :)
Hope everyone is doing well!