Hey, I have been pretty busy the last couple of weeks going to the V.A. and The comp and pen exams. Trying to get this service connected. I found out some pretty bad information about the Shots we got before deployment to Desert storm. I got this information directly from the Doc. who was conducting the P.T.S.D. portion of the exam. He asked me about my symptoms I was having and he told me that He was also deployed to desert storm and was also sick. He told me of a medication that is really effective for I.B.S. and told me to get started on a Probiotic as soon as possible. He wrote one down that he said was very effective in killing the bad bacteria. He also informed me that the so called vaccine shots we were given were contaminated with Mycoplasma. ??? and that 83 % of us are infected with it, and that the V.A. won't test for it. So I need to have my PCP test for it. He also told me to not tell any of the Doctors at the V.A. about what he has told me. Because he will be reprimanded or dismissed from his position. He also told me that his wife became very sick as well from what he thinks was transmitted from him. The medication he recommended was also very effective for her as well but it has not been approved by the FDA yet and their insurance would not cover the cost. He said that if it wasn't for the fact of mentioning the name of the medication to one of her Doctors she wouldn't have gotten the medication at all. Because the doctor had herd of it and gave her some free samples that he had. He then told me that If want any chance to get better I needed to seek help outside of the V.A. Believe me I was blown away by it all. This new drug is very expensive and I will mention it to the New LLMD doc that I will be seeing on Friday. But I'm a little concerned after reading about the amount of time these LLMD's spend with you with the ones who take insurance. The medication he told me about is called Rifaximin and the probiotic he told me about was Align Bifanis... He said this is also available from walmart at a lesser cost...I'm not too sure about any of this stuff so don't take it as gospel in about it's effectiveness. I'm just throwing this out there to see if anything is known about this stuff. During all this My wife's cancer has come back and we are going through a lot of Appointments and emotional roller coaster ride with all this as well...I'll try to keep in touch with all this, so It maybe a while before I can update..... Oh yah...one more thing I found out during my Exam...I was in formed that since Jan this year I have had blood in my urine and wanted to know why this hasn't been addressed...Like I told her I never get told of my results about any tests and that the only way I get information is when I see new doctors and they tell me later what they notice in the tests... I'm only the patient...I don't have answers...and apparently they don't either..... |