It really must have unnerved you since your vision is already bad. And yes to entirely visual.
I could feel it was coming from the visual cortex part of my brain. Accompanied with the other head stuff I listed above it actually felt like it was all, working synergistically from inside my head. Awful.
Yes, I'm relieved that part is finally over. Finally. I hated, hated it. My hit is really head with these bugs as you can see.
You have had migraines for a long long time geeze. Perhaps the visual cortex of your brain is more compromised from the infection now and your migraine is working along with it like my other head stuff did.
I used to get bad bad migraines since I was a kid. Same area all the time. Behind left eye, inside my head like a blood vessel was slicing and swollen pulsing in my brain and bad bad.
Then just before I got chronic sick the sporadic migraines stopped. Not one for 2 years and 8 months. Go figure. It's like the "same" area where it would hurt so harshly, changed.
No more headache pain. Gone. So weird these infections. ( Just the frontal lobe and top of head pressure built when chronic hit, but that's gone now.)