Hi. Just a thought. If you experienced symptoms after the birth of a child, perhaps see a competent, caring gynecologist and ask them what they think?....they have experience in this area, so im thinking they could at least send you in the right direction (?)..also, if you have anxiety, you deserve to be treated for anxiety!! (My adopted dog has huge anxiety issues and i had to act as her "patient advocate" at the veterinarian's office. i demanded that her anxiety be treated. They prescribed two medications.) Having an advocate usually helps. I am no expert, but i find "specialists" to usually specialize in one area and often not concern themselves with the whole being of their patient. Everyone needs a highly evolved, dedicated primary care person to help put all the puzzle pieces together (Not that i have one yet, but i will find one, eventually). I just wanted to give you some encouragement and practical suggestions. You CAN do this. Please address any depression/anxiety issues you may have. Nobody deserves to suffer! Be assertive. Bring someone with you to stand up for you, if you can. You WILL get through this. Be strong. Take really good care of yourself.
Best wishes, the Lymen8tor