Posted 6/23/2013 5:10 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Cranberry,
Take a deep breath and relax. This is one tough disease to have right now. There aren't all that many that wish to go against the medical community like we are - but we know that all of us aren't making this stuff up.
Those little red dots - those are a rash from one of the infections, either Babesia or Bartonella. It's just more conformation that this isn't all in your head.
Most of us here have had to deal with non-believers. I'm so sorry that it's your parents. That's rough. Even though my Mom believed I was really ill, she wasn't sure she believed me when I told her that I had my tick-borne infections...until I reminded her of an incident when I was only 7 years old. It was an "unidentifiable infection with high fever" is all they would tell her. It was Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever though. because all the symptoms and the timing all fits. That's how we often figure this stuff out, by looking back and realizing that it all fits too neatly for it to not be Lyme, Babesia, Bartonella or others.
And many of us wonder if we are right in our diagnoses! Doubt is easy to plant in the mind that may be compromised by disease. And since we have to go up against basically the whole medical community when we claim chronic Lyme, it makes it even harder to stand our ground sometimes. That's why this forum is here!! We are here to help you feel confident in what you already know is the truth. These infections not only exist, but the are devastating and insidious. They can come on overnight, or take most of a lifetime.
Unlike you, I've had too many ticks attach to even begin to count - but ticks are far from the only way to get these diseases! Any insect that can bite and survive to bite again can pass these infections - spiders, biting flies of all types, fleas, mites, bed bugs - the list goes on!
I was also first infected when I was only 7 years old - a small child, but I wasn't diagnosed until I was 47 years old. A lifetime practically of fighting to survive, to deal with symptoms and to try to convince Doctors that it wasn't all in my head. Hang in there!! You are not alone!! As I said, we are here for you!! Draw some strength from us- we believe you!!!!! And the fact that your Lyme doc believes you means that you are infected as well.
Does your Lyme doc know about these little red dots? You need to take a picture of them with a ruler or a coin in the picture right along side of the dots - that way the doc can have perspective of just what size the dots are, and the picture is because if the rash disappears before you can get in to see your Lyme doc, they will still have proof of what's going on.
So hang in there and know that you are on the right track.....and that you don't stand alone in this fight.