It took about 6 months for a diagnosis, but I had the flu symptoms in December, have had moving joint pain and swelling since then, along with other multiple symptoms. I've actually tested positive 3 times and negative 1 time so far.
I've been to my primary doctor (several times) and he thought I might have arthritis, so on to a arthritis specialist, who only found me positive (and on a second test negative) for Lyme. I'm finishing up a 30 day supply of doxy, but don't have high hopes of this one 30 day supply "fixing" me since I'm going on 7 months since the symptoms started. My primary doctor doesn't want to give me more doxy, he wants to send me to a Infectious Disease Specialist. But considering how long this has been going on, I hope someone out there has someone in the area who actually understands and knows how to treat Lyme Disease.
Anyone know of a doctor who actually understands Lyme Disease in the Richmond, VA area?
Thank you all for your time!