Hi! I have read many posts on this site, I finally became a member because I need to hear from some people like myself. In 2007 I started having trouble with my left hand. I went to my family dr. he did a MRI of my brain and upper spine and a EMG looking for MS. Both test were normal. He said Tendinitis. 2009 starting have stiffness in left leg that got worse with stress. Went to 2 top neros had numerous blood test, MRIs, EMGs and a spinal tap. All but 1 EMG were normal.They said I had PLS but would not diagnose me as such. My family and I refused to believe them, it just didn't fit. I could no longer work or go out by myself. That broke my heart. A friend told me about
Lyme and referred me to a great LLMD who has helped many. I started on a low dose antibiotic and had test done. Lyme die-off showed up in 2 of me 3 urine samples. I started treatment in Nov. 2011. My cramps and painful muscle spasms are gone. My awful anxiety is 100% better. No more tooth and ear infections. My sleeping habits are back to normal and my energy level is improved. But my speech comes and goes, it's hard when nobody can understand you, and I still have use a walker to get around. No improvement in my balance but I am stepping better. I need help getting up from a sitting position. Other than that I feel fine. Does anyone think I will get my walking back? Is anyone out there having symptoms similar to mine? Just need a little more HOPE!