Not feeling well and not knowing why is a horrible feeling. We want answers and we want them today. With the panic of sickness, comes confusion. In confusion we tend to dilute the real issues. We grasp on to anything just to have a diagnosis.
Having said that, you must realize, not every symptom you have is related to Lyme. There are going to be some who are clinically diagnosed with Lyme who actually don't have Lyme.
If one sees the tick, removes the tick and gets the tick tested or gets the classic EM rash, then it's a sure bet you were infected and then you take the necessary steps to healing.
But more often than not, there is no warning before infection happens.
LLMD's are quick to diagnose Lyme without working on ruling out, sometimes, obvious other conditions. Then a patient is administered a myriad of medications that actually makes the body more sick.
I saw a patient two weeks ago who drove 3 hrs to see me because she was told over and over by friends and from what people told her on line, that she had Lyme. She panicked and related every symptom to Lyme. Once her and I went over her medical history, it was clear to me, she didn't have Lyme at all.
I've had and seen Lyme sufferers simply refuse to change their diets to rule out food allergies/intolerance. There was a man I saw who suffered years with "Lyme" diagnosed by an LLMD who was not getting well in the least. He came to our clinic, finally eliminated the foods he tested allergic to and in weeks got well.
Many food allergies, genetic dysfunctions of the blood, common stress, hormonal issues and many other conditions have the same symptoms as Lyme.
We all want a diagnosis for what ails us. For some, we chase our tails for years looking for answers. I was there, I get it, but don't assume or blame all your symptoms on Lyme. You may be over-looking the real cause if you keep blaming one issue.
Don't buy into the panic of Lyme because I know for me, personally, when I did that years ago (when posting and reading and talking about
Lyme), I became so mentally exhausted and so out of focus, I couldn't heal.
If my nose ran, or was late on my period, or had a headache or my little finger hurt I said "It must be the Lyme"
I made a post the other day on a condition called Pyroluria, which has so many symptoms of Neuro Lyme
Keep investigating and keep an
opened mind
Post Edited (peacesoul) : 9/30/2014 6:42:18 AM (GMT-6)