I am very interested to hear of opinions regarding the timing of the tests. If anybody has any links, feel free to share.
When is the best time to draw blood for Igenex, Infectolab, and other labs? Do you think the result will be the same no matter what day or week, or do you think that it is best to draw the blood when your symptoms are in a massive flare?
Has anybody had blood drawn and received negative or minimal results, and then gone back later to draw (for the exact same lab/test), and them turn up positive? In this instance, do you remember if you had less or more symptoms at either blood draw time?
Given that these blood tests are expensive for everyone, and that there is a lot of talk about it all depending on the person's immune system, it would be great to hear what everybody's SPECIFIC experience was, and what they feel about timing of tests. Obviously, if there is a way to manipulate or give a better chance of a test turning up positive, then this is of far greater benefit both financially, and health/treatment wise.