Hi Mumma,
it's like reading a part of my own health-story...
A positive 34 band is highly indicative of Borrelia burgdorferi (ILADS website). I'm sure others will jump in to give their oppinion on your test results. Many of us have been tested several times, with all different results. I've been tested 3 times, only the last test came back positive.
I've been ill for more than half of my life, my condition gradually got worse and worse. I developped many food allergies and intolerances. I had IBS, gastritis for years, GERD - took pills for it for about 9 years before they discovered LD/Bart. I think you did a good job testing for food allergies. Please eliminate all of them from your diet, this is really important. Visiting a good nutricionist might help you, they have very good ideas on how to build up a new diet. Things you wouldn't think of. I think you should get that stress out of the way. Elimination diets are not easy, but you will see and feel immediate improvement once you get on your diet.
My CD57 came back at 16, just like you. I got infections every month, everywhere. It feels like my heart is skipping beats, it never goes under 94 BPM, often up to 112 BPM or higher in rest. The list is long, so I'll just mention the ones you've mentionned. It was terrible, and no one would take my symptoms for real. Lazy drs..., not doing what they studied for.
My sister has Bartonella, and probably LD too, cause 97% of our dr's patients who test positive on Bart have also LD. He's seen amongst his patients that several siblings in one family are often infected.
If I were you, I would look for a good LLMD - you can start a new thread entitled 'Seeking LLMD in ______'. People will send you a pm cause we can't publish names of drs on this forum, cause we want to protect them. I think your parents can give you good advice too... I hope they will get better.
Good luck!