As I've said, you are all my family!!! I'm going to miss not being so involved with you all, but my focus of course must be on my own health.
As a side note - psoriasis not only is due to an overactive immune system, but it also means that the body isn't detoxing as well as it needs to be. I've known for a long time that my body doesn't think detoxing is as important as my brain does, so that's one of my main focuses - getting my body to detox as well as possible again and working on regulating my immune system. Both things I should be well versed in by now!!
And something that I neglected to say earlier - I wish us all a smooth healing path....and when it's not so smooth, I each of us a good sense of humor and a good friend to reach out to!!!
So to say a thank you to those that I haven't yet:
Thank you so much for taking the time to get that info and for posting it, not once, but twice!! I will keep that link so that I can use it if I need to. Thank you!!!
Xelaetaks Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm so glad to know that this forum has been a help for you! That's what it's all about
, right? Helping each other through.
And yes, a break from all of this sure would be nice! I'm pretty tired of being ill to be honest.
Just meGosh!! You sure gave us all a scare with how sick you got!!! We have watched your ups and downs and I think all of our hearts have followed along, raising up with your 'ups' can come crashing down when you would post that you were having troubles again.
Your kinds words are a bit overwhelming - I don't feel like I did anything other than reach out to a "sister" that was desperate - like others have done for me from time to time in life. I'm so glad to know that this forum has been so helpful to you during some of those dark times. That's what I pray this forum does for many who find themselves in those dark times. I know it was a life line for me for many years.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
skBM Thank you for what you said -"I don't think Traveler would be so closed-minded to deny a cure if it actually came about
. Quite the opposite! She was simply giving advice that remaining healthy seems to be the best option at this point."
Those words are so true!!! If there were truly a "cure" for Lyme, I would be one of the first to yell from the rooftops what it is!! And you can ask anyone who has heard me yell - I would definitely be one of the loudest ones yelling about
it too!!
Giggle!!! No one has ever accused me of not yelling loud enough!
Thank you for your kind words about
me being a Mod as well - they are greatly appreciated and heart felt.