I think it is important that you communicate all your symptoms to your dr. Also the ones that have been improving. It's important for your dr to know what's helping, what's not helping.
My dr has a form that I need to fill in each time I go see him (each 2 months): if symptoms like fatigue, muscle pain, digestive problems, etc have improved, same or become worse. If exercice, stress, medication, supplements played a part in how you have been feeling. Then there's space for remarks.
I make a list about 2 weeks before going, I add things as they pop up in my horrible memory. I keep that list with me when going to my appointment.
Some symptoms might seem unimportant or trivial to you, but might be interesting for your dr. Just an example: I had scabs in my nose, for a long time, couldn't get rid of them with cream I got at the pharmacist. I told him, he said that this can be a very specific symptom from Chlamydia Pneumoniae...There is an important connection between Lyme and Chlamydia Pneumoniae that needs to be taken care of. Never ever thought that some scabs in my nose could be so important...