Hi there everyone, thank God for Wobenzym N. I took 10 yesterday and 10 today and it has helped out with any inflammation. I will say my gait was knocked off again due to the accident and even though I took my anxiety meds the spatial issues are daunting and the anxiety is too...sigh.
My kinesiologist did a full exam and scanned my back and neck to see the trouble spots. Of course it was all on the left, I did some physical testing to see if I was dizzy and I was a little bit. After the full exam I went into a room and laid on my stomach and they hooked these prongs onto my back that massage areas and send energy to the troubled spots and he also applied heat with a heated blanket. OMG..it felt wonderful. It even helped out my neuropathy in my legs!
I was already going to him to help with Lyme (he also ran tests months ago and discovered my adrenals are running sky high) and I've been working on my posture to help improve my gait.
I am determined to totally heal. I refuse to live with any symptoms...I've seen people healed on this site and in life
so this was a little set back but all will be well.
Just grateful that my son wasn't with me.