Posted 9/18/2013 7:58 AM (GMT -5)
I'm 57, and I haven't had any tests done for lyme, but living in a rural area, ticks are always around, and I've had my share of bites, but never got the bullseye rash. Until my husband got bitten in June and developed the rash/fever/fatigue following, I would never have suspected lyme in myself. Researching it for him was like a light turning on, as my symptoms have puzzled me for at least five years. Everything fit the lyme descriptions to a T. Yes, some days I have fuzzy vision. And when I get up from a chair or out of bed, my leg muscles tighten up and "lock" on me for a few seconds, leading to what I call the Frankenstein walk. It's like they stretch and don't relax. Until I started the lyme herbs (banderol, samento, olive leaf) I was afraid I would be in a wheelchair before the year ended. Now I see some steady improvement.