Posted 9/27/2013 6:30 PM (GMT -5)
Can you help me interpret? I got her non LLMD ped to sign the lab slip.
I tested positive in June and have been on abx for 3 mos. We don't know when/where I got Lyme so we had her tested. My LLMD doesn't treat kids and her ped doesn't believe in Lyme (at least not by our definition here).
She has no history of flu, fever etc. In fact, she is very healthy. BUT, she has somewhat severe ADHD that we've been treating with medication (successfully) for almost a year.
IFA = 80 positive
18 -
23-25 -
28 -
30 -
31 -
34 -
39 -
41 -
45 -
58 -
66 -
83-93 IND
18 -
23-25 -
28 -
30 -
31 -
34 -
39 IND
41 ++
45 -
58 +
83-93 -
PCR negative
babesia neg
ehrlichia neg
a phag neg
b henselae neg
bartonella neg
Any thoughts? Should I retest? Find an LLMD for her? Relax and forget about it?